Sunday, August 30, 2009

Its a cut-throat out there

It has been only few months when the new kid on the block Wolfram alpha appeared.It gave a complete new dimension of search... and then the over hyped-term "the decision engine" became the marketing strategy for BING.
Well it did perform well.. I used it for a week or so and then I bounced back to my google... I am a loyal consumer you see...

And then I came to know that google has something similar in mind .. giving just precise information back.. Google launched Google Squared... it gives the tabulated results of things you want to compare...

Hmmm.. interesting .. but there is lots of scope for its improvement...

With Bing trying desperately to come one-up with Google, Wolfram the decision engine and then the newbie Collecta has also come up..

Twitter came up to jitter the planet.. and so bing included Tweets too...

But what is google doing ... can they sit quietly ...

Noo.. Say Hello to Google Caffeine.. you can test it on

I am still following it.. will write more about it in next post ..

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